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Understanding Aggregated Event Measurement for Website Conversion

|| Introduction

In response to Apple's iOS 14.5 update, Meta has introduced Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM), a protocol that allows for measurement of web and app events from people using iOS 14.5 and later devices. This new protocol is designed to help keep people's data used to facilitate conversion reporting and ads optimization private. In this blog post, we'll focus on AEM for website events and the recent changes that have been introduced to website conversion campaigns.

|| Changes to Website Conversion Campaigns

Meta has started rolling out updates to website conversion campaigns to accommodate the new AEM protocol. These changes will be automatically applied to your account, and there are no actions that you need to take to prepare for or gain access to these changes.

|| Here are the changes you can expect to see:

- No need to prioritize 8 conversion events per domain for web conversion optimization: Previously, advertisers had to prioritize up to 8 conversion events per domain for web conversion optimization. With the new changes, you no longer need to prioritize events. This means you can track all your conversion events without having to choose which ones are most important.
- No need to turn on value sets in order to use value optimization: Value sets allowed advertisers to set a specific value for each conversion event. This helped to optimize ads for specific events with higher values. However, with AEM, advertisers no longer need to turn on value sets in order to use value optimization.
- The Aggregated Event Measurement tab in Meta Events Manager has been removed: With the new protocol, there's no need to configure your web events in the Events Manager. As a result, the Aggregated Event Measurement tab has been removed.
- No need to verify your website domains for purposes related to event configuration: Previously, advertisers had to verify their website domains in order to configure their events. However, with AEM, there's no need to verify your website domains for event configuration purposes.
- No need to select a conversion domain when you create a campaign in Ads Manager: With the new protocol, there's no need to select a conversion domain when you create a campaign in Ads Manager.

These changes will not affect the processing of your events through AEM, and there are no steps you need to take for your events to be processed through AEM.

|| Benefits of Aggregated Event Measurement for Website Conversions

AEM for website events helps recover limited measurement of website conversions from people using iOS 14.5 and later devices. By aggregating the data, AEM ensures that advertisers are still able to measure and optimize their campaigns while maintaining the privacy of their audience. This is particularly important given the increasing concern around privacy and data protection.

AEM also eliminates the need for domain prioritization and value sets, making it easier for advertisers to set up and optimize their website conversion campaigns. It also simplifies the event configuration process by removing the need to configure events in the Events Manager.

| Conclusion

Aggregated Event Measurement is an important development in the world of digital advertising, particularly for website conversion campaigns. The new protocol allows for the measurement of web and app events while maintaining the privacy of the audience. The recent changes to website conversion campaigns have been introduced to accommodate AEM, and these changes will be automatically applied to your account. By simplifying the event configuration process, AEM makes it easier for advertisers to set up and optimize their campaigns. While AEM will continue to evolve, it is clear that the protocol is designed to help advertisers support consumer privacy.

Note: If you're using the Conversions API, events sent to Meta may also be processed in accordance with limits set by Aggregated Event Measurement.

Updated on: 06/06/2023

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